4 Identities of Fatherhood

I am glad to see you have decided to check out this webinar. I hope that in this video, you found some useful tools, questions, and concepts to accompany you on your parenting journey. If the ideas in this video resonate with you, and you want to experience working out all of your thoughts, excitements, worries, and ideas about fatherhood, this coaching program may be right for you!

After the video, scroll down for reflection questions!

Wherever you are on your journey, I am excited you choose to father on purpose.

Reflection Questions on the 4 Identities

Father / Dad / Papa

What kind of a father do I aspire to be? · Who are fathers I admire? · How do I want my child to interact with me? · How can I be the father my child needs? ·


How can I be a team player in parenting decisions? · What do I want my co-parent to experience when she brings me a new idea? · When tension is high, how do I want to show up to make the best decisions for our family?

Partner / Husband / Boyfriend

What can I do to maintain love and connection with my parnter? · What can I do to trust in our love and connection even when the baby requires all of our time and attention? · What do me and my partner need to remain feeling secure in our relationship?


What do I need to have grace for myself when I mistakes? · What do I need to feel good about my accomplishments and growth even when no one else is acknowledging it? · How do I remain grounded when life gets overwhelming?